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2012 World PR Forum Summary

Sunday 18 November The Research Colloquium at this year’s World PR Forum was a great success with 100 people turning out to hear the newest ideas and research in public relations in the beautiful surrounds of the Melbourne Convention &...

Delegates take an industry tour at the close of the 2012 WPRF

World PR Forum delegates found out that with the rapid development of the PR industry over the last few decades, an assumption that most practitioners have ‘done their time’ in a newsroom is far from safe. The public relations industry tou...

Largest World PR Forum comes to a close

How do you top the first day of a World PR Forum that ends with dinner for 500 people? Particularly when dinner is at the iconic Melbourne Cricket Grounds with a spectacular sunset. The answer is a program bursting with content and i...



WPRF Marketplace

The WPRF Marketplace will present an engaging showcase of leading suppliers to and businesses of the public relations and communication industry.

The WPRF Marketplace will be the centre of the event; a hosting area for all refreshment and lunch breaks. It will provide a primary networking arena for delegates, sponsors and exhibitors during the forum.
The WPRF Marketplace will be located in the main foyer of the Melbourne Convention Centre and will be open at the following times.
Monday 19 November 0800 - 1700 hours
Tuesday 20 November 0800 - 1830 hours

Benefits of sponsoring and/or exhibiting

The World Public Relations Forum 2012 provides you with a strategic global platform to position your organisation's leadership profile and expand your business networks with some of the world's most influential decision-makers. This year 160,000 communication professionals from 29 countries across five continents will be invited to join this momentous event. This global sponsorship opportunity will provide your organisation with direct access to the key movers and shakers of the public relations industry.

Confirm early to maximise your exposure

Early confirmation of your sponsorship will ensure a higher level of exposure. An extensive promotional campaign including advertisements, direct mail campaigns, email broadcasts and web presence will be implemented in the lead up to WPRF 2012.

Tax deductibility

Sponsorship is not used to provide food and beverage, making it a legitimate tax deductible expense. All prices exclude the Australian Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10%. The GST amount will be added to the invoice due which may be claimed back as input tax credit by organisations registered to conduct business in Australia.

Sponsorship opportunities and inclusions

Click here to view the sponsorship and exhibition prospectus 
Contact us
T: +61 3 9320 8689
F: +61 3 9320 8699
Australia Unlimited

Premium government partner

Digital partner

Silver sponsor


Bronze sponsor 

Forum app sponsor

Global production partner

Industry partner