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2012 World PR Forum Summary

Sunday 18 November The Research Colloquium at this year’s World PR Forum was a great success with 100 people turning out to hear the newest ideas and research in public relations in the beautiful surrounds of the Melbourne Convention &...

Delegates take an industry tour at the close of the 2012 WPRF

World PR Forum delegates found out that with the rapid development of the PR industry over the last few decades, an assumption that most practitioners have ‘done their time’ in a newsroom is far from safe. The public relations industry tou...

Largest World PR Forum comes to a close

How do you top the first day of a World PR Forum that ends with dinner for 500 people? Particularly when dinner is at the iconic Melbourne Cricket Grounds with a spectacular sunset. The answer is a program bursting with content and i...

Daniel Tisch

Daniel Tisch
Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management
Daniel Tisch, APR, Fellow CPRS, is Chair of the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management and CEO of Argyle Communications, one of Canada's best-known independent public relations firms. Tisch has counseled some of the world's largest consumer and corporate brands, non-profits and governments. Under his leadership, Argyle has earned more than 100 awards from the Canadian Public Relations Society and the International Association of Business Communicators and is the only two-time winner of the IABC's Jake Wittmer Award for research-based communication. Earlier, Tisch held senior roles in the Canadian government, including serving as Senior Advisor and Acting Chief of Staff to Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs. He has lectured at Queen's University since 1996 and is a member of the university's Board of Trustees.
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