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2012 World PR Forum Summary

Sunday 18 November The Research Colloquium at this year’s World PR Forum was a great success with 100 people turning out to hear the newest ideas and research in public relations in the beautiful surrounds of the Melbourne Convention &...

Delegates take an industry tour at the close of the 2012 WPRF

World PR Forum delegates found out that with the rapid development of the PR industry over the last few decades, an assumption that most practitioners have ‘done their time’ in a newsroom is far from safe. The public relations industry tou...

Largest World PR Forum comes to a close

How do you top the first day of a World PR Forum that ends with dinner for 500 people? Particularly when dinner is at the iconic Melbourne Cricket Grounds with a spectacular sunset. The answer is a program bursting with content and i...

John Paluszek

John Paluszek
Senior Counsel

John L. Paluszek is Senior Counsel at Ketchum (New York and Washington D.C.) specializing in reputation management and corporate responsibility. He is  immediate past chair of The Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management; liaison to the United Nations for the Global Alliance and the Public Relations Society of America; and a member of  The Commission on Public Relations Education.

The PRSA 1989 national president, John has held many offices in that society and has received a number of professional awards, most recently PRSA's 2010 Atlas Award for Lifetime Achievement in International Public Relations. In 1988, shortly before the fall of the Berlin Wall, he represented PRSA in the first US-Soviet Bilateral Information Talks in Moscow and in the first East-West Public Relations Summit in Vienna. More recently, he has chaired United Nations Global Compact conferences in Berlin and Paris. He has also lectured on corporate responsibility and reputation management at ten U.S. colleges and at business conferences on four continents.

A former journalist, John has written many commentaries for business and academic journals such as Journalism Studies, The Foreign Policy Association's "Viewpoints" and the CNBC Blog. He is the author of "An American Journey", his immigrant family's memoir, and seminal books on corporate social responsibility, "Organizing for Corporate Social Responsibility" (Amacom,1973) and "Will The Corporation Survive?" (Prentice-Hall, 1977). A graduate of Manhattan College (B.A. management) and a former member of the college's Board of Trustees, John received a Manhattan College honorary degree, Doctor of Humane Letters, in 2005. He resides in Old Westbury, N.Y.  

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