Facebook’s Global Strategist to talk about effective strategies for 21st century leadership

Facebook’s Politics and Government Specialist for Europe, Middle East & Africa, Elizabeth Linder, will share her experience at the World Public Relations Forum to be held in Melbourne from November 18-20 this year.

Elizabeth serves as the Global Governance Strategist liaising with government agencies, public administrations, political figures and think tanks across the region at the local, national and international levels to chart out effective strategies for 21st century leadership, digital diplomacy and transparent government initiatives in a social media era.

Elizabeth joined Facebook in August 2008 just as it reached its 100 million user milestone. After working with a small team to build Facebook’s public relations strategy in Australia, Canada, Europe, India and Japan, she moved to the Atlantic where she developed the government and politics outreach program across Europe, Middle East and Africa region.

Elizabeth is experienced in politics and education having worked at YouTube as part of Google’s Global Communications and Public Affairs team. She graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Princeton University and is a scholar of French and Italian history, language and literature. She wrote her thesis on the nineteenth-century metropolis.

Originally from California, Elizabeth now calls London home.

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