Professor Ronél Rensburg joins the WPRF speaker line-up 2012

Former Head of the Department of Marketing and Communication Management at the University of Pretoria (2000-2008), Professor Ronél Rensburg, will present at the World Public Relations Forum later this year.

Professor Rensburg is currently a Senior Professor in the Department of Marketing and Communication Management and has also held the positions of Deputy-Dean and Acting Dean of the Faculty. Her contribution across many public relations organisations and institutes is vast and varied and includes the immediate past-Presidency of the Public Relations Institute of Southern Africa (PRISA) and sitting on the Board of the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management (GA).  She is also a member of the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA), the Eurasian Communication Association (ECA) and the International Communication Association (ICA).

Professor Rensburg is a coordinator of international exchange activities and collaboration initiatives for the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences at the University of Pretoria and a founding-member and the caretaker Director of the recently established Centre for Communication and Reputation Management at the University of Pretoria.

A speechwriter and trainer for politicians and captains of industry, Professor Rensburg also writes a regular column for Business24 which deals with communication and reputation management issues.

The World Public Relations Forum’s foundation is built around the mission of the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management:

•             To unify the public relations profession

•             To raise its professional standards all over the world

•             To share knowledge for the benefit of members

•             To be the global voice for public relations in the public interest

More information can be found or the World Public Relations Forum can be followed on Twitter and Facebook.

Expression of interest to speak at the WPRF

The Public Relations Institute of Australia (PRIA) is hosting the World Public Relations Forum in Melbourne from 18 to 20 November this year. The theme of the forum is communication without borders, with the program exploring the theme from a range of perspectives. Preparations are going very well and with 5 months left we already have 400 registrations from 20 nations. The program in particular is looking sensational.

Currently confirmed speakers are:

  • Richard Edelman, President & CEO, Edelman, leading global PR firm
  • Wadah Khanfar – President of Sharq Forum, and former Director General of the Al Jazeera Network, Qatar
  • Anna Adriani – Global Public Relations and Corporate Responsibility Director, Illy Coffee, Italy
  •  Professor Chin Chuan Lee – Chair Professor and Head, Department of Media and Communication, City University, Hong Kong
  • Charlie Miller – Vice President of International Corporate Communications, Boeing, UK
  • Dan Tisch, Chair Global Alliance, Canada
  • Jean Valin, Valin Strategic Communication, Canada
  • Emilio Galli-Zugaro, Head of Group Communications, Allianz, Germany
  • Michael Sheldrick, Campaign Manager, The Global Poverty Project, Australia
  • Paull Young, Director of Digital, Charity: Water, USA
  • Gerard F. Corbett, Chair & CEO, PRSA, USA
  • Elizabeth Linder, Politics & Government Specialist for the Europe, Middle East and Africa Regions, Facebook, USA/UK
  • Anne Gregory, Professor of Public Relations & Communication, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
  • Virginia Trioli, Master of Ceremonies and facilitator, Australia

Arrangements are now being finalised with more international and Australian speakers and will be announced via the World Public Relations Forum 2012 website – stay tuned for detailed information.

As the program for World Public Relations Forum 2012 is refined, the program committee is extending a limited number of invitations to submit a proposal nominating a speaker or speakers to join panel sessions, or to deliver a lightning talk.

Please note that if you have previously advised us that you have an interest in speaking and have not been advised of a confirmed session you will need to submit an expression of interest through this process.

Panel sessions

Expressions of interest can be submitted to join panels exploring the conference theme of communication without borders, in the following sessions:

  • Public relations and communication in the resources sector
  • New thinking for new worlds – creativity and innovation
  • Integrated reporting and investor relations
  • Consumer and lifestyle brands: from fast moving to the slow movement
  • Multicultural communication and engagement
  • Great people in great places: career planning and keeping the best talent
  • Communicating and connecting in digital and social spaces
  • Metrics and measurement
  • The Asian Century

The expression of interest for panel sessions should provide profile of the suggested speaker/s, specifically the expertise and experience to present on the session topic.

Lightning Talks

Lighting Talks are hot topics and thought starters, presented as concise 15 minute presentations, designed to spark conversations, and perhaps some controversy. The expression of interest for Lightning Talks should provide profile of the suggested speaker/s, and a description of the focus of the talk, including a title.

Review process

The World Public Relations Forum Program Committee will review all expressions of interest and select speakers to join panels, and Lightning Talks with consideration to:

  • Demonstrated skills, knowledge, expertise, and experience linked to the session topic
  • Balance and diversity across the forum program
  • History of commitment to PRIA and the World Public Relations Forum

Speakers and panelists will receive complimentary access to the World Public Relations Forum on the day of their session.

Please note that sales and product pitches will not be considered for these sessions. If you are interested in sponsorship of the forum, or a booth please contact Kim Nicholls on +61 3 9320 8689 to talk about a booth or sponsorship.

Expressions of interest on the attached form must be received by COB Thursday 26th July. The conference organisers will confirm acceptance in late August.

WPRF12_Expression of interest form