Communication without borders…or marketplace competition

When it comes to sharing information about global public relations, standards and best practices, it’s great that typical marketplace “competition” borders can be put aside.

Katie Sheppet, account executive at Edelman Melbourne, conducts an atypical PR Conversations tête-à-tête with John Paluszek of Ketchum (USA) and immediate past chair of the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communications Management, a featured speaker at this year’s World Public Relations Forum (WPRF).

“Evidence: About 5,000 companies have signed on to the United Nations Global Compact, in which they pledge to operate in concert with the Compact’s 10 principles clustering in environment, human rights, labor rights and anti-corruption. And the related new trend to companies regarding “integrated reporting” is an obvious public relations “sweet spot.””

“In order to achieve global consistency of messages and outcomes, many top corporate communication officers must organize, coordinate, motivate and reward hundreds of employees spread all over the globe.”

Check out the full interview which was first published on PR Conversations here.