CPRS’s youngest Fellow and founder of Valin Strategic Communications, Jean Valin, joins the speaker line up

With over 30 years of experience across the Canadian government’s high profile national issues including the gun control program; anti-terrorism and organised crime legislation; same sex marriage legislation; the launch of ‘Service Canada-Canada’s one-stop for all government services’ as well as a transportation policy for air, road and marine safety and security issues, award winning PR practitioner, Jean Valin, is another exciting addition to the speaker line up at the World Public Relations Forum held from 18-20 November 2012 at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

In 2000, Mr Valin became a founding member of the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management (GA), a confederation organisation of more than 70 major PR associations around the world representing over 170,000 members. He was Chairman of the GA from 2004-2005 and continues now to serve as ambassador-at-large. In 2008, he received the President’s medal from the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) in the UK and the Award of Attainment from the Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) in 2010. The GA is the initiator of the World Public Relations Forum.

Since 1987 Valin has been an active part in the Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) and became the youngest CPRS member ever to be called to the College of Fellows following many years of active involvement in the association, including serving as National President from 1996-1997.

Mr. Valin, an accomplished speaker on the role of ethics in communicating with the public, the power of public relations to support business of organisational objectives and social media and how it transforms the way organisations relate to their publics, has delivered many keynote addresses at major national and international conferences and is sure to bring plenty of insights to the World Public Relations Forum.

Mr Valin’s career began in broadcasting with Radio Canada and a private radio station in the Ottawa region. He now owns and runs his own business, Valin Strategic Communication, and is married and has two sons and two grand-daughters.

More information can be found www.worldprforum.com or the World Public Relations Forum can be followed on Twitter and Facebook.