ActionAid Australia’s Executive Director, Archie Law, joins the impressive speaker line-up

ActionAid Australia’s Executive Director, Archie Law, will share his remarkable experience in the non-profit sector when he presents at the World Public Relations Forum being held in Melbourne, 18–20 November 2012.

Archie Law is Executive Director of ActionAid Australia, an affiliate of ActionAid International, an anti-poverty agency active in over 40 countries and has worked in conflict affected environments throughout Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

Archie will join Wadah Kanfar and Jehan Bseiso (Médecins Sans Frontières) to kick start the forum by exploring  the forum’s theme, ‘communication without borders’, from some of the most challenging and complex international settings, particularly Afghanistan.

In his current role, Archie is responsible for overseeing ActionAid’s strategic direction and instituting good governance policies and processes.

Prior to joining ActionAid, Archie worked for the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations in New York, as well as for the United Nations Development Program in South Africa working on conflict prevention and recovery across Africa. He has extensive experience working in development both with the UN in New York and in conflict affected areas, particularly in Africa.

Archie was a member of the UN team that developed the contingency plan for an emergency response to the conflict in Iraq in 2002-2003.

He also spent four years heading up the Mine Advisory Group in Cambodia working on its extensive landmine removal program.

In the late 90s, Archie worked for World Vision Australia, where he managed several emergency relief projects.

Archie has a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and a Master of Arts in International Relations from Monash University. Before joining the non-profit sector, Archie was a drummer for the 1980s band Huxton Creepers. The group released three albums and gave over 500 live appearances throughout Australia.