World PR Forum kicks off

After a sold out research colloquium and masterclass and spectacular welcome drinks high above Melbourne, Global Alliance Chair, Daniel Tisch has officially kicked off the 2012 World PR Forum.

His engaging presentation set the tone for the two-day forum and was followed by an inspiring keynote address from Wadah Khanfar, former Director General of Al-Jazeera.

In front of an audience of nearly 800 PR and communications professionals, Khanfer drew on his experience at Al-Jazeera to address the WPRF’s theme of ‘communication without borders.”

Khanfer focused on the internet’s alibility to give people a voice and his belief that “the Internet is the most democratic structure that humanity has ever created”.

He also discussed the role of the newsroom in the digital age, with news outlets now quick to deliver information but slow to process it on a deeper level. The newsrooms of the future will be smaller but with great editors, analysts and thinkers to frame the context of stories.

Khanfer’s address was followed by a panel discussion where he was joined by Andrew Beswick from Amnesty International, Jehan Bseiso from Medecins Sans Frontieres and Archie Law from Action Aid Australia.

Jehan Bsieso used Medicins San Frontiers’ work in Afghanistan to highlight the borders that still exist in communication. PR has become the operational support for their work, and helps to humanise a country that many see as simply a warzone.

All agreed storytelling is the most effective form of journalism and will guarantee its future. People want to hear stories and it’s an effective way to get a message across.

Highlights for the next two days include addresses from Richard Edelman, a discussion on global crisis and an address from Charlie Miller from Boeing.

Visit the program section for a full listing of sessions.